The 19th March was a special day at the Cathedral of Christ the King. Two boys from the parish community of the Cathderal served the Traditional Latin Mass for the first time. The boys only saw the TLM for the first time on the 2nd of December. But from that time Jonathan and Jordan Kayombo have been very eager to learn to serve the "old" Mass. Their mother, Constance, made sure that the boys practiced their Latin at home and very soon they were word perfect.
With the help of volunteers from Una Voce SA, Mr.Peter Jackson (Head of TLM servers at the Cathedral)gave lessons to the boys three times a week from January. Peter had served the TLM as a boy over forty years ago. When he heard that the Mass was returning to the cathedral he quickly got his old missal out and was soon serving again.
(from left, Christopher Cordeiro - Una Voce, Fr. Shaun Mary von Lillienfeld, Peter Jackson - Head Server, Jonathan Kayombo, Jordan Kayombo.
The boys will continue their altar server training as well as learn some Latin.
The proud Kayombo family, Jonathan and Jordan are two of seven siblings and from the look on their younger brother's faces they are also eager to serve. Although I think they will have to wait just a few years.
Thanks to the Mattiuzzo family who provided the cassocks and surplices.
This is beautiful!!! God bless these boys for their service to God and His Church! It truly shows, at least to me, the universality of the Church and how the traditional Mass reinforces that reality. It is great to see how young people are drawn to the traditional Mass. I know I'm not that old, as I am 31, and I know how much the traditional Mass has blessed my soul.
God bless you all!
Pax Christi tecum
They look great up there! Deo gratias.
I stopped by Fr. Z's blog this morning and was so thrilled to see the post about Jonathan and Jordan. I can't begin to say how much I admire those boys! Do pass along my thanks to them for their beautiful service. God bless and keep them!
This is wonderful to see. God bless them and bring many more like them to serve at the altar.
Hi from London. Well done boys!
Keep at the Latin.
Laus tibi Christi.
This is wonderful. Thank you all for what you're doing to bring back the EF! May God bless you.
This is awesome and heartening to see! What a great family. Thank you all for doing the Lord's work.
One of my many favorite things about the Extraordinary Form has always been the young male servers who take on such a role of maturity, service, and beauty. Keep it up boys!
Wonderful!! Keep up the good work!
Great work Jonathan and Jordan!
You are showing the world that the Extraordinary Form of the Mass is alive, vibrant, and loved.
May many others, young and old alike, be influenced by your wonderful example.
Many thanks to the both of you and your family for your dedication, hard work, and love of the Lord.
Hello from Bristow, Virginia, USA! Keep up the good work, boys. You are setting a good example for the little ones in your family...and all of us. God bless you in your studies and in your service to Him.
God bless these young men for their worthy service at the Altar.
"Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam!"
Johnathan & Jordan,
Oh my! You two are doing a wondrous service for Father and the Church! You both look like young priests: very intelligent, kind, and holy. Have you thought about becoming a priest when you get older? (Just a hint!)
Three Cheers to you both! And keep up the excellent work.
Kind regards from California,
--Guy Power
Hello from another Fr. Z reader! I stopped by to say how happy I am that these two boys are serving the Latin Mass. :) It's a very beautiful thing. Congratulations, Jonathon and Jordon! Continue in His service well, and may God bless you!!
It is quite a good example for everybody around the world. Thanks God and thank you.
Well done boys. May God bless you and your wonderful family.
What a beautiful family!
What wonderful young men! Thank you for your service and love of Christ!
Deo Gratias!
How wonderful to see these pictures! Prayers for you from Chicago, Illinois.
Years ago, when I was teaching my young, rambunctious twins to genuflect (I would work with one, the other would run away...I was clearly getting frustrated...), a stranger approached me and said, "God bless the mothers!"
I say the same to Mrs. Kayombo - you have rasied two fine young men and God bless Jonathan and Jordan for their excellent service to the Church and to Our Lord!
Well done Jonathan and Jordan.
See how the eyes of servants are fixed on the hands of their masters, the eyes of a maid on the hand of her mistress! Our eyes, too, are fixed on the Lord our God, waiting for him to have mercy on us. Ps 122:2
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