Sunday, January 25, 2009

First Sunday Mass in Christ the King Cathedral - Photos

"and when I am lifted up I will draw all men to me" John 12:32

This short photo essay (much delayed) of the first Sunday TL Mass at Christ the King is focussed on some unique aspects of the TLM liturgy.

When you attend a TLM you will see a significant focus on the Cross of Our Lord. In its central position on the altar, in the instructions for the priest to raise his eyes to the crucifix and in the many bows and reverences directed to it. It always reminds me of this wonderful phrase from scripture.

"What shall I offer to the Lord for all He has given to me, I will take the chalice of salvation and I will call upon the name of the Lord" The prayer before the priest receives the Precious Blood.

This prayer reminds us that only when we unite ourselves to the sacrifice of Our Lord do our works have any value or merit.

The servers play a vital part in the Traditional Latin Mass adding to its sacredness and beauty. Historically servers were clerics in minor orders and therefore dress as clerics in cassock and surplice. Here Andrew Martin and Peter Jackson wait to bring the water and the wine while Father offers up the bread.

"mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa"

"Corpus Domini Jesu Christi Custodiat animam tuam in vitam aeternam"
May the Body of Our Lord Jesus Christ keep thy soul unto life everlasting. Amen.

"Et Verbum Caro Factum Est"

"And the Word was made Flesh", Two of the genuflections at the Mass mark the Incarnation, one during the Creed and the other here during the final Gospel. The fact of Our Lord's Incarnation is so startling that we fall to our knees in awe.
Photo Credits: Michael Poverello

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